Today google are not givning fake account,some years ago many webmasters create fake account and they sale many account in big a amount and get more money from poor people and poor webmasters,2 month ago google changer his policy and now only real webmaster will get google account and fake webmasters and broker will not get adsense account,i think new policy is good and we proud of google who change the policy and in future google will provide adsense account with new features,and with new heading and webmasters are really happy for this change,well if you have not google adsense account and you wana earn money from google than first register your blogspot domain and than writes some real article and dont copy articles from others,because google hates copyright data,i think you write 50 to 60 real article with you own
hand and in articles use different words and than apply for google adsense and than google will approve your adsense account quickly and than you will earn money easly from google account,but please dont choose bad topic for articles and not use bad words in articles,if you do this google will reject you request..
hand and in articles use different words and than apply for google adsense and than google will approve your adsense account quickly and than you will earn money easly from google account,but please dont choose bad topic for articles and not use bad words in articles,if you do this google will reject you request..